Contact Wellers Hill Medical Centre
Wellers Hill Medical Centre is an AGPAL Accredited General Practice. We run an appointment based system.
Wellers Hill Medical Centre
(07) 3848 2111
(07) 3892 7094
Email Us
16 Denham Terrace, Wellers Hill QLD 4121
Practice Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday 8:00 AM – As Required
Sunday Closed

Patient Feedback/Suggestions for Improvement
Dear Patients,
The doctors and staff at Wellers Hill Medical Centre are committed to providing you with a high standard of patient care. Your input helps us to improve our service.
If you are happy to be identified and/or would like to be contacted regarding your comments, please include your name and/or email address.
Need Assistance?
National Hearing Service (for deaf patients) Ph: 133 677
Translating & Interpreting Service Ph: 131 450
If you experience any issues or difficulties with regards to this practice please contact the Practice Manager on 3848 2111.
If your concerns cannot be solved by direct contact with the practice you can contact the Health Ombudsman Ph: 133 646